The Value of Education

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 4 Syllabus-Honors 10 English Pre AP{

Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.
Ben Franklin, US author, diplomat,
inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)
Honors English 10 Pre-AP English
Mrs. Shehane
August 30-Sept. 3, 2010

Monday, Aug. 30 – Test – NA Myths (text will be provided in class due textbook shortage); please note that after the Native American unit, variations in text will not be a problem, since both the old and new textbooks have the same authors. A CD of the new textbook is available for all students.
Homework: Vocabulary worksheet and list (SAT List 2, visit for more information).

Tuesday, Aug. 31 – “Close reading” - The Way to Rainy Mountain (in-class text – do not bring textbook this week). Class/homework: On-the-line, between-the-lines, and beyond the line reading (study notes from class).

Wednesday, Sept. 1 - Annotated notetaking (continued novel in class). Notes will be checked for a grade- imagery, syntax, diction, themes. HW - Write a paragraph using TEN vocabulary words and FOUR SENTENCE patterns. Paragraph should be coherent.

Thurs., Sept. 2 - In class- write a short literary analysis using notes from this week. Rough draft will be graded in class. FINAL DRAFT DUE FRIDAY in MLA format. Essay does not have to be typed.

Friday., Sept. 3 Essay due today. This will very likely become a rough draft, but do turn in your best work. See sample checklist provided below.

In-class: ACT and AHSGE practice using USA Test Prep or ACT practice (online).

SAT Vocabulary list 2 (test NEXT week): 1-antithesis, 2-ascend, 3-austere, 4-autonomous, 5-banal, 6-benign, 7-capricious, 8-dawdle, 9-defamation, 10-esoteric, 11-exacerbate, 12-extol, 13-fastidious, 14-furtive,15- gregarious, 16-hypocrite, 17-innate, 18-lethargic, 19-melancholy, 20-opaque, 21-prolific, 22-reprove, 23-symmetry, 24- tranquil, 25-venerate

Students are responsible for knowing all forms of the word, using the words in sentences, and mastering sentence patterns which include the following:

Participial phrases, absolute phrases, appositives, and (NEW) adjectives shifted out of order.

Participial: Repudiating the evidence, the lawyer pointed his finger at the defendant.
Absolute: His finger pointed, the lawyer repudiated the evidence provided by the defendant.
Appositive: The lawyer, a defense attorney from Atlanta, pointed his finger at the defendant.
Adjectives out of order: The defense attorney, stern and determined, pointed his finger at the defendant.

Note: Students are off Sept. 6-7
Parent Report Day: Sept. 7 – See WHS website for details. (
Checklist for Literary Analysis
____ Lead your reader into the topic.
______ Begin with an interesting attention getter
______  Establish the work (Title in itatlics or underlined – use the complete title) and the auth)
______  State your central idea - The central idea is the main idea of the paper, the “glue” of the paper.
       Example: Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a drama of moral conflict in which Huck struggles between his heart and his conscience.
____ State your Thesis at the end of your introductory paragraph- The thesis is the specific plan, the “parts” you’ll prove.
 Example:  Several important scenes illustrate Huck’s conflict between his sound heart and his deformed conscience:  when Huck hides Jim’s identity to the slave traders, his apology after the fog scene, and his decision to rip up the letter to Miss Watson and decides to free Jim.
____ Develop the idea outlined in your thesis
 ____ Support your analysis with quotations and examples from the primary source
____  Discuss/Elaborate on your quotations and examples
____  Support your analysis with quotations and examples from the secondary sources (note we're skipping this process in our first paper. Use only YOUR ideas, not others).
____  Discuss/Elaborate on your quotations and examples
____ Restate your thesis in the first sentence of your concluding paragraph. DO NOT USE THE SAME WORDS.
____ Summarize your ideas
Remember to…
____  Provide solid transitions (within and between paragraphs)
____  Write in present tense (the book and characters continue to live)
____  Use third person throughout (no “you”, no “I”)
    Example: “Jim is a better father than Pap ever was.”
 ____ Do NOT write: “In my opinion…”        “I think…”        “As you can see…”
 ____ Include at least nine embedded citations in your paper:
    Minimum of five from the primary source (the book, poem, etc.
 )  (Skip for now – in the future -- Minimum of ten from at least three secondary sources
Embedded Citations
Guidelines for using Modern Language Association (MLA) parenthetical citation style within your text:
1. Openly credit the author’s name in your sentence and cite the page number within parentheses following the quotations or paraphrase.
            According to Gladys Carmen Bellamy, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn falls naturally into three thematic units” (16).
2. If you do not use the authors name in your sentence, cite the author's last name and page number within parentheses at the end of the cited material.
“Basically honest, Huck nevertheless tells lies throughout the novel, lies which are excusable only because they are absurdly transparent” (Miller 93).
3. Attribute quotes to speakers, but remember to cite within parentheses the author of the source, not the speaker of the quote.
Jim shows his anger at Huck's cruel joke when he says, “En all you wuz thinking ‘bout wuz how you could make a fool uv old Jim wid a lie” (Twain 48).

4. Avoid quotes longer than four typed lines long.  If you must use one, set it off from the rest of the essay and do NOT use quotation marks.
Huck was especially frightened when he overheard one of the murderers say,
It's a lie Jim Turner. You’ve acted this way before.  You always want more'n your share
 of the truck, and you've always got it, too, because you've swore't if you didn't you'd
 tell. But this time you’ve said it jest one time too many.You're the meanest,
 treacherousest hound in the country (Twain 51).

5. Do not use “p.” or “pp.” for page numbers.

6. Use a “Works Cited” list at the end of your paper.
This should include the following:
Only the sources you cite in your paper
Sources in alphabetical order by author's last name
Double spaced lines
Hanging indentations

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