The Value of Education

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anne Bradstreet

Syllabus, Week 8

Monday - in class: Close reading (annotated) of ANNE BRADSTREET POEM. (See or new textbook.
Further reference:

TUESDAY: in class -- Structured rhetorical essay.

WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY - in class -plan your literary analysis/rhetorical analysis of Anne Bradstreet poem. This will be written in class FRIDAY.
THESIS = QUIZ grade.
PLAN with topic sentences and evidence for each paragraph = quiz grade.
All essays must be written in class (timed).

FRIDAY - Write essay, analyzing Anne Bradstreet's poem ("Upon the Burning of Our House").

Additional reading: Please read Anne Bradstreet's poem "The Spirit and The Flesh" (online). See

WRITING PROMPT FOR ESSAY THIS WEEK: How does Anne Bradstreet's poem "Upon the Burning of Our House" reflect the struggles, both internal and external, that she has as a Puritan wife and mother?

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Students and parents:

Please visit the school website (my files) for study guides, WEBQUESTS, Puritan period background/handouts, and instructions on BLOGGING.'TeacherPage'&Page=9&StaffID='49772'&iSection='Teachers'&CorrespondingID='49772'

What a great year we're having!

Susan Shehane

WEBQUEST Assignment - Puritan Period


Webquest for the Puritan Period
Welcome! You are about to embark on a quest for knowledge! You will obtain information on Puritan perceptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs. Hopefully, you will learn something new and interesting to share with the class.
Have your answer sheet beside you as you work on the questions below. Record all your answers on your sheet. You are restricted to the hyperlinks listed below. All necessary information will be found on the selected sites. You are not to venture elsewhere on the web. Time is limited, so lets begin!
1.)    What were some of the Puritans beliefs and values?
List three of each.
2.)    What is predestination? What role did this play in Puritan society?
Remember what you read in the above section.
3.) How did the Puritans view education?
4.)    What was the tool Puritans used to teach their children? In addition to the alphabet, what else was taught using this tool?
5.)    How were the Puritan beliefs reflected in the laws of Massachusetts? Look in particular at the punishments.
6.)    Salem Village was the center of the witch trials. Look at a copy of an arrest warrant. What proof is provided?
7.)    Look at a portrait -- Examination of a Witch. How are the conditions of the examination depicted? Record full details in a paragraph.
8.)    Look at the trial records of Sarah Good, in particular, the Summary of Evidence. What kind of evidence led to the indictment of Sarah as a witch? Look at the particular wording of those accusing Sarah.
9.)    You are accused! Go to this link to see what your options are once you have been accused. Record your findings.!.html
10.)            Play Jeopardy and see how much you have learned about the witch trials.[1].htm

Friday, September 17, 2010

Syllabus, Week 7, Sept. 20-24, 2010

MONDAY, Sept. 20
Note - Biology AHSGE Tuesday. All students who are testing should have been notified.
IN CLASS - Reading -- Anne Bradstreet (poems) and Mary Rowlandson.
Homework -- study for vocabulary test (FRIDAY). Read NOVEL (BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley or 1984 by George Orwell).
NOTE: BRAVE NEW WORLD in its entire text can be found online at

Respond to blog question at
Complete WEBQUEST in library (if you're testing, still come by to get a webquest form).

WEDNESDAY - Math testing - AHSGE
In class -- Discussion on readings for the week.
"Close reading" of readings.
Analyze according to characteristics of Puritanism.
Note: In text book, read poetry of Edward Taylor.

THURSDAY - SEE WEDNESDAY (modified block schedule).

NOTE TO ALL: Test tomorrow -- all readings from Puritan period, notes on Puritan period, plus VOCABULARY LESSON 3 (matching test only this week).

Coming up SOON: ESSAY TEST ON NOVELS - either BRAVE NEW WORLD (Huxley) or 1984 (Orwell).

Parents: We need supplies - please donate file folders or 8 x 10" envolopes so that I can keep records of your son's/daughter's work. No money for supplies is available at the school/county/state level. Thanks for your help. Extra credit will be given to students.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Syllabus, Week Six, Sept. 13-17

For we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. Soe that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world.
- John Winthrop, governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, "A Modell of Christian Charity," discourse written aboard the Arbella during the voyage to Massachusetts in 1630

MONDAY, Sept. 13: Using 3-2-1 outline methods (reading strategy) - read and outline introduction to Unit 1, early America.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Some students may have different versions of textbook. This is not a problem because selections will be the same.

ALSO NOTE: CHANGE - students should purchase (online is cheapeast) or check out from the library (any library) BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley.

Please note that I will no longer be able to check out and have available class sets because too many library books ($30 apiece) have simply been taken from my room. I can't afford to replace these.

TUESDAY, Sept. 14: Vocabulary Lesson 3 - SAT vocabulary words. Read WILLIAM BRADFORD in text.

Writing assignment based upon the early writers will be given -- TBA>

FRIDAY, Sept. 17 (in class) WRITING WORKSHOP - revise literary analysis from last week - LTF
NOTE: All students must post to the class blog located at -
Create a Google account (not a blog) and post your response. Make sure you use your full name as a sign in. No anonymous posts will be published, and only publishable responses will be posted. Posts unsuitable for publication will receive a failing grade.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Honors’ 10, Pre-AP English
Wetumpka High School
Susan Shehane

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is “Pre-AP” and how does it differ from standard or advanced English?

A: Pre-AP English is a college preparatory class that helps prepare students for college and for Advanced Placement (AP) classes. The goal of the Pre-AP class is to elevate expectations, follow the county’s policy of increasing “rigor,” and show the curriculum’s direct relevance to college entrance exams and AP success. Students who take all AP classes offerred at WHS and pass AP exams may begin college as sophomores.

Q: Can students earn college credit in a pre-AP class?

A: No, students don’t earn college credit in their sophomore English PRE-AP class, but the class will help them succeed in sophomore History AP classes by helping them with analytical thinking and writing.

Q: What curriculum is used in Pre-AP English?

A: Glencore Literature, Course 4, and supplemental novels*. For writing, reading skills, notetaking, and analysis, we follow the curriculum provided by the A+ College Readiness Program via a Dell Corporation grant administered by Laying the Foundation (LTF), based in Texas and coordinated through the State Department of Education. Parents and students can access many of the LTF materials at . Our Wetumpka LTF coordinator is Mrs. Teri Thompson, who teaches Senior English and AP classes at Wetumpka High School.

*Brave New World, Dante’s Divine Comedy (The Inferno), The Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Finn, Julius Caesar, and online full-length texts such as Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself,” John Winthrop’s “City Upon A Hill” sermon aboard the Arabella, As I Lay Dying, and other materials deemed appropriate and recomended by LTF. Please note that video clips will be used to accompany all, most, or some of these materials.

Q: What will students do in class?
Students will read and respond to literature by writing analytical essays. They’ll be tested on materials, but a primary goal of the class is to elevate critical thinking and prove their abilities through analytical writing. Students will also do a variety of projects and presentations, sometimes in groups.

Q: What is the grading policy?
First semester:
Two nine week grades (40% each).
Midterm (20%). All students must take the midterm. Exemptions for less than four absences will be made for the final exam (May). Please consult the WHS Student Handbook.

Each nine week grade will consist of a variety of assessments, including tests, essays, and projects (70%), quizzes (25%), and homework (5%).

Often, quizzes will be unannounced; therefore, students should always come to class prepared. Work begun in class but unfinished must be completed for homework but may sometimes count as a quiz grade, depending upon the complexity and involvement of the assignment.

Note: Projects will count as 2-3 test grades.

Q: How will writing be graded?
I use rubrics and give these materials to the students so that they can “grade” their own work before turning it in. Such rubrics are posted on my school website ( ; click on “faculty”; find Shehane: go to files or documents).

Q: How often will tests be given?
Tests will be given frequently, at least every two weeks. Students should also expect a vocabulary test each two weeks.

Q: What source of vocabulary is used for such tests?
Students in Pre-AP English will study the LTF vocabulary list from ninth- twelfth grades. This list is called the SAT Vocabulary List and can be found on the website. Words for each test will also be listed on our weekly syllabus.

Q: Where can I find the weekly syllabus?
When ink is available at school, I will print a weekly syllabus for each student. Right now, we have no ink. The syllabus is posted at .

Q: I understand that the “no zero tolerance policy” has changed in your class. Can you explain?
A: Yes. Students in pre-AP English will no longer be allowed to make up zeroes without an excused absence or parental notification of extenuating circumstances, such as illness, family emergency, etc. In other sophomore classes, the Freshmen Academy policy of assigning detention to make up zeroes may be followed. Please note that this will not be the case in our pre-AP English class. We’re trying to produce college-ready students. Enabling them to make excuses would be counter-productive to the A+ College Readiness grant administered by LTF; therefore, I will not accept any late work or allow students to make up zeroes without an excused absence. Students who do have an excused absence must make up tests and other assignments within two days of their return. It is up to the student, not the teacher, to ask about making up a test.

Q: Can students re-take tests they fail in pre-AP English?
A: No.

Q: Do all essays have to be typed?
A: No. Rough drafts, in fact, must be written in class, frequently in a timed manner. This is to help students prepare for AP exams in which they must respond in writing on a timed test. If I ask students to type, say, a final copy or a research paper, again, they must write their rough drafts in class. A typed copy can be printed and turned in (or e-mailed) as long as a written rough draft is available. No plagiarism will be tolerated. Students must follow the MLA style. Please visit the “OWL” at Perdue University’s website. You may also view the county plagiarism policy on my school website or on the county’s website ( >curriculum> downloads)

Q: How can I best help my son or daughter?
A: The best way for parents to help students is by encouraging them to do their best, even when that means re-doing an essay or project. Our goal is to strive for excellence and to exceed the state’s minimum standards. I’m excited about our elevated expectations, and I know that you will be, too.

Q: What should my son or daughter do if he/she needs extra help?
A: Advise your son or daughter to see me after school. My planning period is 2:30-3:20, and I’ll be very happy to help during the eighth period. That’s one of the reasons Mr. Dennis has scheduled an eight period day -- to better accommodate students.

Q: What about the class blog? I’ve heard of this.
A: Students will be required to participate in the class blog, located at To participate, they simply need to create a Google account and log in. Only posts suitable for publishing will be posted (and therefore graded). No anonymous posts will be accepted. For more information, visit my school website.

Q: How can I see my son’s or daughter’s grades?
STI for parents is available. Please keep in mind that grading takes time, especially in an English class.

For more information, e-mail Mrs. Shehane at

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Syllabus, Week Five

"The human mind is like umbrella. It functions best when open. "
Max Gropius

Sept. 6-10

TUESDAY - Open House, 1-7:00 p.m. (Teachers break 4-4:30 p.m.)

WEDNESDAY - In class - Students will write a thesis and an outline based upon their annotated notes from THE WAY TO RAINY MOUNTAIN. Note: Due Friday -- Students should write a narrative or expository essay using all vocabulary words and five sentence patterns (participial phrase, absolute phrase, appositive, adjectives shifted out of order, and prepositional phrase).
NOTE: This essay replaces the vocabulary test this week. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

NOTE: Essay using vocabulary words is due tomorrow. No late work will be accepted. Zeroes can not be made up in Honors English (Pre AP) 10 without excused absence.

FRIDAY - TURN IN VOCABULARY ESSAY at the beginning of class.
IN CLASS: Complete rough draft of literary analysis.

Parents: Please note our policies have changed for PRE AP Honors 10 English. Students will not be allowed to re-take tests or make up zeroes without excused absence. No late work will be accepted.